View from Kettenbrückengasse towards Wienzeile

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Bus parking spaces
Passengers may board and alight at chargeable bus parking areas at no cost for up to 30 minutes. Boarding and alighting must be clear to the parking attendant. There is always a charge for parking (irrespective of duration). Tickets are available at the parking lot ticket machines.

Passengers alighting
Please drive away once passengers have alighted. Failure to adhere to the regulations will result in fines.

Towing away of buses
Buses parked in such a way that they block traffic may be towed away or clamped, for example when parked in alighting and boarding zones. In the case of clamping, go to the nearest police station. If your bus has been towed away, go to the municipal administration (Magistrat) department 48, tel. +43 1 76043 (daily 0–24 h).

Please turn off your motor – no overnighting on the bus
Please turn off your motor when the bus is parked. Staying in buses overnight is prohibited in Vienna with the exception of camp sites and private land.

No nighttime bus parking from 22 till 6h 
Buses may not be parked within 25 meters of residential housing (exemptions are marked with signs). Ask at your Vienna hotel for the nearest nighttime parking lot.

Short-stay parking zones 
After one minute you will need a ticket (filled in and placed behind the windshield). Short-stay parking zones are only marked in the entry areas to each district. To find out on which days and for how long parking is permitted, see the signs or consult the Vienna Tourist Board short-stay parking zone brochure. Short-stay tickets are available at tobacconists’ (Tabak Trafik), gas stations and Vienna Transport Authority (Wiener Linien) sales counters.

Bus zone year-round – Access to city centre 
Access to the area inside the Ring and Franz-Josefs-Kai is permitted at any time for passengers to board and alight, but only with a valid bus access permit. You can acquire this permit from the facility concerned (hotel/events venue/restaurant). Please apply to the facility directly. For information on chargeable bus parking on the periphery of the city centre, see detailed map.

Bus zone special regulations 
Access restriction for buses – unless holding a valid bus access permit – on the 4 Saturdays during Advent. On special occasions (see restrictions apply to the 1st, 6th, 7th, 8th
and 9th districts.

Order bus access permits:

Hotel Card Event Card Transfer Card

Access to Vienna International Airport 
Information on charter bus access