The basis and framework of the Strategy for a Sustainable Visitor Economy in Vienna is the Vienna Visitor Economy Strategy, which was published in 2019 before the pandemic and which, in contrast to classic tourism strategies – which usually pursue economic growth and job creation alone – has already been developed with a strong focus on all aspects of sustainability.
The focus is no longer exclusively on the guest, but on the city itself and the diverse qualities that are available to residents and visitors. The success of the destination is measured by whether it succeeds in contributing to the quality of life and stay in the city, to the quality of service and the variety of offers, to prosperity and competitiveness, so that more and more people benefit from it.
Since the publication of the Vienna Visitor Economy Strategy, a lot has happened in Vienna and internationally: In 2022, the Smart City Strategy became the Smart Climate City Strategy and the European Commission also published the Transition Pathway for Tourism. The question of what contribution the Vienna Tourist Board can actively make to the implementation of these strategies has been posed anew. For this reason, the Strategy for a Sustainable Visitor Economy in Vienna was developed, as well as fields of action and measures that promote the sustainable development of tourism in Vienna and which seamlessly integrate into the Vienna Visitor Economy Strategy.