News from Vienna
When the hotel stay becomes an experience: we present the most extraordinary places you can experience an exciting night in when you come to Vienna.Does Vienna have any extraordinary hotels?
Vienna has countless museums. In December 2023, the Wien Museum on Karlsplatz reopened after several years of renovation and expansion. The House of Strauss opened in October 2023. The original premises have been extensively restored and now house a modern museum that brings the history of the Strauss dynasty to life. Have any new museums opened in Vienna recently?
You can find all current dates in our event database. What event highlights are there in Vienna at the moment?
Vienna Content & B2B Tools
In 2025, Vienna celebrates the 200th birthday of Johann Strauss II, the King of Waltz. In our content database, you'll find a large number of images on these topics which can be used for advertising purposes.Which themes are currently focused on when promoting Vienna?
Whether classic sights, culinary delights, or green Vienna... Our different itineraries can help you put together an exciting program for your customers.Where can I find itinerary suggestions?
Yes, of course. There are many Viennese secrets waiting to be discovered by children young and old. Are there special offers for families?
We have compiled some special tips for walks and tours for your visit to Vienna. Have fun browsing and discovering! Where can I find tips for walks and tours?
Vienna offers many exclusive and luxurious experiences for its guests. Does Vienna also have special premium offers?
Vienna, officially voted the world's most livable and greenest metropolis, is a perfect match for travelers with a green conscience. Environmentally conscious travel, climate-friendly accommodation, regional food, and green culture: here you will find all the information you need to put together a sustainable visit to Vienna for your customers.What sustainable offers and experiences are there in Vienna?
Vienna's eateries – ranging from the typical Viennese "Beisl" (tavern) to the luxurious gourmet temple – offer the entire spectrum of regional and international delights to please the palate. Where can I find restaurant recommendations for Vienna?
The establishments listed here represent just a small selectionWhich restaurants in Vienna are suitable for groups?
The Viennese coffee house is known around the globe for its informal pleasantness, as an oasis of gemütlichkeit. Where can I find information on Vienna's cafés?
It's as famous as the Giant Ferris Wheel, Schönbrunn Palace, the Vienna Boys Choir or the Lipizzaners. The real Viennese heuriger. You can find our top tips here.I'd like to visit a typical Viennese heuriger. Where can I find recommendations for this?
In order to compile your offer for Vienna, you will find the contact details of Viennese incoming travel agencies below. Is there a list of incoming travel agencies?
You can find more than 400 hotels, guest houses and apartments, together with addresses and photographs, in our latest hotel list. Is there an overview of all accommodation providers?
Experiencing Vienna virtually
The livestream series VIENNA SHOWCASE of the Vienna Tourist Board invites visitors to go on virtual tours of Vienna's current art and culture highlights. Are there virtual museum tours?
On our YouTube channel, you'll find many videos on Vienna, both general recordings and others that focus on specific topics. There is also a footage database, where you can find raw material of the city and its sights.Where can I find footage material on Vienna?
Top tips
The Vienna Experts Club International is an initiative of the Vienna Tourist Board and is aimed at employees of travel agencies/tour operators, airlines, transport companies or online travel websites who work in the marketing or sales departments and offer trips to Vienna.Is there a special program for agents?
The Vienna City Card – the added extra for your trip to Vienna. Where can I find information about the Vienna City Card?
Yes, there is! Become an official Vienna City Card retailer and offer your guests maximum flexibility during their trip to Vienna. Is there an affiliate program for the Vienna City Card?
May we present: ivie – your personal Vienna guide Is there a Vienna app with tips?