Ringstraße, Panorama, KHM, NHM, Parlament, Volksgarten

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Itinerario - Tre giornate a Vienna per chi la visita per la prima volta

Giorno 1 mattina: 

Il palazzo imperiale viennese, la Hofburg è considerato uno dei più grandi complessi residenziali al mondo. Le parti più antiche risalgono al XIII secolo. Nella Camera del Tesoro più importante al mondo, alla Hofburg di Vienna, sono custodite due corone imperiali, oltre al tesoro dei Burgundi e al tesoro dell'Ordine del Vello d'Oro.

La Scuola di Equitazione Spagnola con i suoi celebri cavalli Lipizzani offre esperienze di equitazione di prima classe nell'atmosfera barocca della Hofburg.

  • Pranzo

Pranzo nel centro di Vienna: Brasserie PalmenhausMotto Café.

Giorno 1 pomeriggio: 

Il duomo di Santo Stefano è il simbolo di Vienna. L’inizio della sua costruzione risale al XII secolo. Oggi è il più importante monumento gotico dell’Austria. Le visite guidate al duomo e alle catacombe sono organizzate regolarmente, anche per i bambini. 

Superfici vivaci dalle forme irregolari, molte delle quali ricoperte di un verde lussureggiante: il modo scelto dal pittore Friedensreich Hundertwasser (1928-2000), al quale si deve anche un centro iconografico con rassegna permanente delle opere di Hundertwasser e mostre a soggetto dedicate a interessanti temi d’arte contemporanea, per dare nuovi impulsi al panorama architettonico di Vienna.

Oltre alle opere di musica sacra come il Requiem di Mozart, sono proposti anche programmi di musica puramente secolare, tra cui le “Quattro stagioni” di Vivaldi o adattamenti di opere. I concerti nelle chiese sono particolarmente godibili in estate, quando gli edifici sacri offrono una gradevole frescura.

Cena nel Orient & Occident al Naschmarkt o nel Ludwig & Adele im Künstlerhaus nel centro di Vienna.

Giorno 2 mattina: 

L’ex residenza estiva degli Asburgo si caratterizza per le lussuose Stanze Imperiali, il magnifico giardino e una sofisticata esperienza di realtà virtuale visitatori e visitatrici possono rivivere la storia della reggia e la vita quotidiana dei monarchi. Un colorato mix di animazioni in 3D e scene rievocate da attori e attrici fornisce innanzitutto informazioni sulla costruzione della reggia e sulla storia degli Asburgo.

 Visita dello zoo n. 1 in Europa! - Per la sesta volta di seguito, l'esperto di zoo britannico Anthony Sheridan ha nominato il Giardino Zoologico di Schönbrunn il miglior zoo d'Europa nel gennaio 2022.

  • Pranzo

Pranzo nel Glacis Beisl nel MuseumsQuartier.

Giorno 2 pomeriggio: 

Il MuseumsQuartier di Vienna (MQ) è una delle aree culturali più grandi del mondo. Situato al confine del centro storico, quello che un tempo fu il palazzo delle scuderie dell’imperatore riunisce oggi su una superficie di 60.000 metri quadrati strutture varie ispirate alle correnti d’arte più diverse, oltre a ristoranti, caffè e negozi dallo stile postmoderno: una combinazione di edifici barocchi e architettura moderna.

Qui il Leopold Museum è un'autentica camera del tesoro dello stile Liberty viennese, della Wiener Werkstätte e dell'Espressionismo.

Il Kunsthistorisches Museum (Museo di storia dell'arte) , il quale fu costruito per ospitare le vaste collezioni della casa imperiale. Con la sua collezione di importanti opere e la collezione di Bruegel più grande del mondo esso è oggi una delle collezioni d’arte più importanti del mondo.

Il Musikverein è il centro di musica classica più famoso di Vienna. Assistere a un concerto in questo luogo significa conoscere Vienna, la città della musica, ai massimi livelli di qualità. E grandi musicisti come i componenti dell’Orchestra Filarmonica di Vienna.

  • Cena

Successivamente cena al Plachuttas "Gasthaus zur Oper".

Giorno 3 mattina:  

Per molti un luna park, per altri luogo di nostalgiche fantasie e per quasi tutti un’oasi verde, il luogo che ospita la Ruota panoramica: uno dei più famosi emblemi viennesi. Questo è il Prater viennese.

252 metri di altezza, due ascensori rapidi, durata della corsa 35 secondi: dalla terrazza panoramica della Torre del Danubio, ad un’altezza di 155 metri, si gode la vista migliore di Vienna e del Danubio.

  • Pranzo

Pranzo nel Schweizerhaus, un’istituzione del Prater, o nel Gasthaus Brösl.

Giorno 3 pomeriggio: 

Uno sguardo dietro le quinte dell'Opera di Stato di Vienna, che raccoglie il più ampio repertorio al mondo, svela molto di ciò che rimane nascosto ai visitatori serali dell'Opera. La visita guidata permette di scoprire molti aspetti interessanti della storia della Casa, della sua architettura e degli spettacoli.

In seguito: La pasticceria regia-imperiale Gerstner offre tre piani di squisitezze, con negozio, bar e bar-ristorante nello sfarzoso palazzo Todesco presso l'Opera di Stato di Vienna.

Il Belvedere non è soltanto un fastoso castello barocco, bensì ospita anche una delle più pregevoli collezioni di opere d’arte in Austria – con le opere principali di Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele e Oskar Kokoschka. il cuore della collezione del Belvedere è composto dai 24 dipinti di Gustav Klimt, con le sue rappresentazioni dorate de "Il bacio" e "Giuditta".

  • Cena

Cena nel Fuhrgassl-Huber Winery, un accogliente Heuriger nella tradizionale località vitivinicola viennese di Neustift am Walde, o nel ristorante Wrenkh, specializzato in deliziose pietanze senza carne.

Raccomandazioni alberghiere:

Hotel di lusso, moderni stabilimenti trendy, alloggi adatti alle famiglie: Vienna offre la possibilità di pernottamento perfetta per ogni tipo di ospite. 

Hotel di lusso: Hotel Sacher o Hotel Grand Ferdinand.

Hotel boutique: Hotel Josefine o Hotel Altstadt Vienna.

Alberghi per famiglie: Hotel Henriette o Superbude.

Potete trovare altri hotel nel nostro elenco di alloggi.

Imperial Treasury Vienna (Kaiserliche Schatzkammer Wien)

Hofburg, Schweizerhof
1010 Vienna
  • Vienna City Card

    • Benefits of the Vienna City Card: -6%

      Additional information on the offer:

      Standard ticket price: 16€ / reduced ticket price: 15€

  • Prices

    • Visitors under 19: Free admission
  • Opening times

    • Mo, 09:00 - 17:30
    • We, 09:00 - 17:30
    • Th, 09:00 - 17:30
    • Fr, 09:00 - 17:30
    • Sa, 09:00 - 17:30
    • Su, 09:00 - 17:30
  • Accessibility

    • Main entrance
      • no steps (Double swinging doors 200 cm wide)
    • Car parks Main entrance
      • Parking spaces for people with disabilities
        Public parking spaces for people with disabilities on Heldenplatz
    • Elevator available
      • Door 80 cm wide
    • Further information
      • Wheelchair accessible restroom available.
    • Special offers for people with disabilities

      Wheelchair rental (reserve at least one day ahead)

    • Comments

      Exhibition rooms: 20 steps and elevator.

Spanish Riding School (Spanische Hofreitschule)

Michaelerplatz 1 (Besucherzentrum/Visitor Center)
1010 Vienna
  • Vienna City Card

    • Benefits of the Vienna City Card: -11%

      Special Offer:

      5 % discount in the store on presentation of the VCC

      Additional information on the offer:

      Discount is valid on the training. Reduced ticket only available on site.

      Highseason: April - October and December
      Seated: Standard ticket price: 20 € (Savings: 2 €)
      Standing place: Standard ticket price: 18 € (Savings: 2 €)

      Off season: January - March and November
      Seated: Standard ticket price: 19 € (Savings: 2 €)
      Standing place: Standard ticket price: 17 € (Savings: 2 €)

  • Opening times

    • Tu - Su, 09:00 - 16:00
  • Accessibility

    • Car parks Main entrance
      • Parking spaces for people with disabilities
        in the Inner Courtyard
    • Further information
      • Wheelchair accessible restroom available.
    • Special offers for people with disabilities

      Request for wheelchair spaces at morning exercises, tours or performances (prices and availability) must be made by email: office@srs.at.

Brasserie Palmenhaus (Palm House)

Burggarten 1
1010 Vienna
  • Opening times

    • Mo - Fr, 10:00 - 23:00
    • Sa, 09:00 - 23:00
    • Su, 09:00 - 23:00
    • on holidays, 09:00 - 23:00
    • See website for winter opening dates and times

  • Accessibility

    • Further information
      • Seeing eye dogs allowed

Motto am Fluss

Franz-Josefs-Kai 2
1010 Vienna
  • Opening times

    • Café daily, 08:00 - 00:00
    • Restaurant Mo - Sa, 18:00 - 23:00
    • Restaurant Su, 18:00 - 22:30
    • Bar Su - We, 18:00 - 00:00
    • Bar Th - Sa, 18:00 - 01:00

St. Stephen's Cathedral (Stephansdom)

1010 Vienna
  • Opening times

    • Mo, 06:00 - 22:00
    • Tu, 06:00 - 22:00
    • We, 06:00 - 22:00
    • Th, 06:00 - 22:00
    • Fr, 06:00 - 22:00
    • Sa, 06:00 - 22:00
    • Su, 07:00 - 22:00
    • on holidays, 07:00 - 22:00
  • Guided tours

    • Guided tour of the Cathedral, daily

      • 3.30 pm, approx. 30 minutes

      Guided tour of the Cathedral english, Monday - Saturday

      • 10.30 am, approx. 30 minutes

      Guided tour of the catacombs, every quarter or half an hour

      • Monday - Saturday, 10 - 11.30 am
      • Monday - Saturday, 1.30 - 4.30 pm
      • Sunday and holidays, 1.30 - 4.30 pm

      Elevator to the Pummerin

      • daily, 9 am - 5.30 pm

      Ascend the South Tower of the Cathedral

      • daily, 9 am - 5.30 pm

      Evening tour including tour of the roof

  • Accessibility

    • Main entrance
      • no steps (Double swinging doors 120 cm wide)
    • Side entrance
      • 3 Steps (Double swinging doors 90 cm wide)
    • Further information
      • Seeing eye dogs allowed
    • Comments

      North Tower: access via elevator only (door width: 65 cm) and 12 steps (not wheelchair-accessible).
      South Tower: 343 steps (not wheelchair-accessible).
      Parking space for visitors with disabilities (Singerstrasse).

      Evening guided tours with roof tour and guided tours of the catacombs are are not wheelchair-accessible.

Kunst Haus Wien Museum Hundertwasser

Untere Weißgerberstraße 13
1030 Vienna
  • Vienna City Card

    • Benefits of the Vienna City Card: -30%

      Additional information on the offer:

      KunstHausWien Ticket: 15€

      Also available at ticket.viennacitycard.at

  • Opening times

    • Mo, 10:00 - 18:00
    • Tu, 10:00 - 18:00
    • We, 10:00 - 18:00
    • Th, 10:00 - 18:00
    • Fr, 10:00 - 18:00
    • Sa, 10:00 - 18:00
    • Su, 10:00 - 18:00
    • on holidays, 10:00 - 18:00
  • Accessibility

    • Main entrance
      • 3 Steps
        Revolving doors
    • Side entrance
      • no steps (Automatic sliding doors 152 cm wide)
    • Further information
      • Seeing eye dogs allowed
      • Wheelchair accessible restroom available.
    • Comments

      The elevator to all exhibition levels may only be used when accompanied by museum staff.

      Uneven floors.

Concerts at Karlskirche (Church of St. Charles)

Karlsplatz (Karlskirche)
1040 Vienna
  • Vienna City Card

    • Benefits of the Vienna City Card: -20%

      Additional information on the offer:

      Online Booking Code: VCC20 / The Vienna City Card has to be displayed at the entry

Orient & Occident

Naschmarkt 671
1060 Wien
  • Opening times

    • Mo - Sa, 07:00 - 00:00
    • Su, 10:00 - 21:00
    • on holidays, 10:00 - 21:00

Ludwig & Adele at the Künstlerhaus

Akademiestraße 13
1010 Vienna

Schönbrunn Palace (Schloss Schönbrunn)

Schönbrunner Schlossstraße
1130 Vienna
  • Vienna City Card

    • Benefits of the Vienna City Card: -6%

      Additional information on the offer:

      Classic Pass: 36€ instead of 38€ (incl. audio guide, valid from 2.4.-3.11.) /
      Classic Pass Plus: 68€ instead of 73€ (incl. audio guide, valid from 2.4.-3.11.)/
      Sisi Ticket (Grand Tour / Schönbrunn Palace; Sisi Museum; Vienna Furniture Museum): 45,00€ instead of 49,00€ (incl. audio guide) /

      Tickets on www.imperialtickets.com and on site

      Please book here to get your Vienna City Card discount:

  • Opening times

    • 03 November 2023 to 01 April 2024
      • (Last entry: 16:15 h) daily, 08:30 - 17:00
    • 02 April to 03 November 2024
      • (Last entry: 16:45 h) daily, 08:30 - 17:30
    • 04 November 2024 to 31 March 2025
      • (Last entry: 16:15 h) daily, 08:30 - 17:00
  • Accessibility

    • Main entrance
      • no steps
    • Car parks Main entrance
      • Parking spaces for people with disabilities
        at main entrance portal (Schönbrunner Schlossstrasse, 3 parking spaces), Meidlinger Tor (2 parking spaces), close to Kavalierstrakt as well as Valerietrakt (2 parking spaces) and Fürstenstöckl (1 parking space)
    • Elevator available
      • Door 90 cm wide
    • Further information
      • Seeing eye dogs allowed
      • Wheelchair accessible restroom available.
    • Special offers for people with disabilities

      Free wheelchair rental – contact attendant at main portal (3 wheelchairs) or at Hietzinger Tor and at Meidlinger Tor (1 wheelchair each). Supplemental devices available for the visually impaired. Tours for visitors with with disabilities or special needs on request. Museum Sign Language Guide available in ÖGS and IS for the Imperial or Grand Tour, prior reservation recommended, further information: https://www.schoenbrunn.at/en/visitor-information/barrier-free-access

    • Comments

      Access to all exhibition rooms: no steps. Freight elevator for extra wide wheelchairs: door width: 160 cm, cabin depth: 220 cm, cabin width: 156 cm.

      Ticket Center in the Gardetrakt by the main gate, stepless access, door width: approx. 144 cm, wheelchair-accessible restroom can be reached by wheelchair platform lift – platform 110/140 cm, door width: 90 cm in the corridor area and 94 cm to the outdoors, accessible from outside with a Euro-Key.

Schönbrunn Zoo Entrance via Hietzinger Tor/Hietzinger Hauptstraße

Schönbrunner Schlosspark
1130 Vienna
  • Vienna City Card

    • Benefits of the Vienna City Card: -15%

      Additional information on the offer:

      Standard ticket price: 27€ /
      Savings: 4€

  • Opening times

    • January
      • daily, 09:00 - 16:30
    • February
      • daily, 09:00 - 17:00
    • March
      • daily, 09:00 - 17:30
    • April to September
      • daily, 09:00 - 18:30
    • October to December
      • daily, 09:00 - 16:30
      • ACHTUNG: Bis zur Umstellung auf die Winterzeit gelten im Oktober die September-Öffnungszeiten
  • Accessibility

    • Main entrance
      • no steps (Swinging doors )
    • Car parks Main entrance
      • Parking spaces for people with disabilities
        at Elisabethallee, entrance Tirolerhof
    • Further information
      • Seeing eye dogs allowed
      • Wheelchair accessible restroom available.
    • Special offers for people with disabilities

      Tours for visitors with disabilities and special needs on request.

    • Comments

      Access to buildings and enclosures without steps or via ramp.

Glacis Beisl

Breitegasse 4
1070 Vienna
  • Opening times

    • daily, 12:00 - 00:00
  • Accessibility

    • Main entrance
      • no steps (Swinging doors 110 cm wide)
        via elevator
    • Elevator available
      • Door 120 cm wide
    • Further information
      • Seeing eye dogs allowed
      • Wheelchair accessible restroom available.

MuseumsQuartier Vienna

Museumsplatz 1
1070 Vienna
  • Vienna City Card

    • Benefits of the Vienna City Card: -21%

      Additional information on the offer:

      FAB 5 Combiticket includes the visit to Architekturzentrum Wien, Kunsthalle Wien, Leopold Museum, mumok und frei_raum Q21 /

      Normal price: 35€ /
      VCC price: 27,50€ /
      Savings in Euro: 7,50€

      Online ticket: https://shop.mqw.at/produkt/fab-5/?lang=en

  • Accessibility

    • Main entrance
      • no steps
    • Car parks Main entrance
      • 4 Parking spaces for people with disabilities
        6 parking spaces within the MuseumsQuartier complex
    • Elevator available
    • Further information
      • Seeing eye dogs allowed
      • Wheelchair accessible restroom available.
    • Special offers for people with disabilities

      Wheelchair service in the MQ-Point by the main entrance: daily 10 am – 7 pm free rental (form of ID left as a deposit). Inductive audio systems in the auditoriums (Hall E + G). 
 Seeing-eye dogs by prior arrangement with the respective cultural institutions.

    • Comments

      Access to all MuseumsQuartier institutions: no steps. All public elevators are suitable for wheelchairs.

Leopold Museum

Museumsplatz 1
1070 Vienna
  • Vienna City Card

    • Benefits of the Vienna City Card: -14%

      Additional information on the offer:

      Standard ticket price: 17€ /
      With Vienna City Card: 14,50€ / Vienna City card holders are entitled to use the fast lane at the Leopold Museum

  • Opening times

    • Mo, 10:00 - 18:00
    • We, 10:00 - 18:00
    • Th, 10:00 - 18:00
    • Fr, 10:00 - 18:00
    • Sa, 10:00 - 18:00
    • Su, 10:00 - 18:00
    • on holidays, 10:00 - 18:00
    • Open daily between June and August.

  • Accessibility

    • Main entrance
      • no steps (Double swinging doors )
        stepless via elevator at the back of the Leopold Museum
    • Car parks Main entrance
      • 4 Parking spaces for people with disabilities
        The Parking Spaces can be reached via the main entrance (=corner of the Volkstheater).
    • Elevator available
      • 89 cm wide and 210 cm low , Door 90 cm wide
    • Further information
      • Seeing eye dogs allowed
      • Wheelchair accessible restroom available.
    • Comments

      Main entrance, access to all exhibition rooms and restaurant/café: no steps.

      wheelchairs can be borrowed free of charge from the checkroom at the main entrance to the Leopold Museum (early booking required).

Kunsthistorisches Museum (Art History Museum)

1010 Vienna
  • Vienna City Card

    • Benefits of the Vienna City Card: -5%

      Additional information on the offer:

      Standard ticket price: 21€ /
      Savings: 1 € /
      Audioguide 5€ instead of 6€

  • Opening times

    • Tu, 10:00 - 18:00
    • We, 10:00 - 18:00
    • Th, 10:00 - 21:00
    • Fr, 10:00 - 18:00
    • Sa, 10:00 - 18:00
    • Su, 10:00 - 18:00
    • Open daily from June to August as well as from October, 8 2024 until January, 6 2025.

  • Accessibility

    • Main entrance
      • 5 Steps (Double swinging doors 300 cm wide)
        on Maria-Theresien-Platz, no ramp
    • Side entrance

      • Barrier-free entrance: Burgring 5 via porter, visitor service accompanies you to the elevator and into the building
    • Car parks Main entrance
      • 5 Parking spaces for people with disabilities
        on Heldenplatz
    • Elevator available
      • Door 99 cm wide
    • Further information
      • Wheelchair accessible restroom available.
    • Special offers for people with disabilities

      Wheelchair rental possible (please reserve one day in advance). Special tours for visitors with dementia, in easy language, in sign language as well as guided touch tours (Tel. +41 1 525 24-5202 or email: kunstvermittlung@khm.at), Three masterpieces of the Renaissance collection of the painting gallery, selected objects of the Kunstkammer, the Egyptian-Oriental collection and the collection of antiquities are available to the blind and visually impaired as castings for touching. A brochure with image descriptions of this in Braille is available.

    • Comments

      Wheelchair users who visit the museum via Burgring 5 can purchase their tickets at the shop in the lobby.
      Induction loop available at the audio guide stand.



Musikvereinsplatz 1
1010 Vienna
  • Opening times

    • The Box Office is open 9am-7pm (Monday-Friday) and 9am-1pm on Saturdays.

      For all concerts organised by the Musikverein the Box Office opens one hour before the beginning of the performance (also on Saturday, Sunday and on public holidays). 

  • Accessibility

    • Main entrance
      • no steps
        via ramp, automatic sliding door (opens with button from the outside)
      • Ramp 164 cm wide
    • Elevator available
    • Further information
      • Seeing eye dogs allowed
      • Wheelchair accessible restroom available.
    • Comments

      Ring the bell by the entrance to the concert box office (Bösendorferstr. 12); the box office staff will come to assist with ticket purchases at the door.
      Wheelchair-accessible elevator: to all floors. Brahms Hall: 6 wheelchair seats. Grand Hall: 2 wheelchair seats in orchestra, about 16 in balcony. Glass Hall/Magna Auditorium: 4 wheelchair seats.

      Visit with seeing eye dog: please give notice in advance.

Plachuttas Gasthaus zur Oper

Walfischgasse 5-7
1010 Vienna


1020 Vienna
  • Vienna City Card

    • Benefits of the Vienna City Card: -35%

      Special Offer:

      Prater Exclusive-Package

      Additional information on the offer:

      This package includes: A ride on the Giant Ferris Wheel and two rides at participating attractions and either a Schnitzel or apricot cake with coffee or a Kaiserschmarren. Packageprice € 25,00; price advantage up to 35%

      After purchase and before the first use, the ticket is valid until 31 October 2024. After the first use, the Prater Exclusive Package is valid for 72 hours.

      The offer is available from 15 March to 31 October in the Vienna Prater at the Info-Point on Riesenradplatz after purchasing the Vienna City Card. / Further information: https://pratercard.at/vcc

  • Opening times

    • 15 March to 31 October
      Main season
    • daily, 12:00 - 20:00
    • Weather permitting

  • Accessibility

    • Car parks Main entrance
      • Parking spaces for people with disabilities
        at Riesenrad (Giant Ferris Wheel) and Schweizerhaus (Waldsteingartenstraße)
    • Further information
      • Wheelchair accessible restroom available.
    • Comments

      Wheelchair-accessible restrooms: Messegelände / Parkplatz, 1.-Mai-Strasse (in the middle), Calafattiplatz.

Giant Ferris Wheel (Riesenrad)

1020 Vienna
  • Vienna City Card

    • Benefits of the Vienna City Card: -7%

      Additional information on the offer:

      Standard ticket price: 14,00€

  • Opening times

      • 07/16/2024 09:00 - 23:45
      • 07/17/2024 09:00 - 23:45
      • 07/18/2024 09:00 - 23:45
      • 07/19/2024 09:00 - 23:45
      • 07/20/2024 09:00 - 23:45
      • 07/21/2024 09:00 - 23:45
  • Accessibility

    • Main entrance
      • no steps (Automatic sliding doors 200 cm wide)
    • Car parks Main entrance
      • Parking spaces for people with disabilities
        at parking garage Ausstellungsstraße
    • Further information
      • Seeing eye dogs allowed
      • Wheelchair accessible restroom available.
    • Comments

      Access to all exhibition rooms and to the restaurant / café: no steps.
      Ramp for wheelchair, all special wagons of the Ferris Wheel are suitable for extra wide wheelchairs.

Danube Tower Vienna Turm Restaurant & Turm Café

Donauturmstraße 4
1220 Vienna
  • Opening times

    • Turmrestaurant We - Su, 11:30 - 16:00
    • Turmrestaurant We - Su, 18:00 - 22:15
    • Turmcafé daily, 10:30 - 22:30
    • Observation terrace & lift: 10 a.m.-10.30 p.m.

  • Accessibility

    • Main entrance
      • (Double swinging doors )
      • Ramp 100 cm long , 118 cm wide , 10 cm high
    • Side entrance
      • 1 Steps (Double swinging doors 180 cm wide)
      • Ramp 510 cm long , 120 cm wide , 17 cm high
    • Car parks Main entrance
      • Parking spaces for people with disabilities
    • Elevator available
      • Door 85 cm wide
    • Further information
      • Seeing eye dogs allowed
    • Comments

      Access to the viewing terrace (150 m): no steps, via elevator, (limit of three wheelchairs permitted on the terrace at one time), there are special ramps (width: 99 cm, height: 25 cm) to enable wheelchair users to enjoy the view over Vienna. Due to company operation restrictions (evacuation routes), wheelchairs are only allowed up to the viewing terrace level (150 m).

      Central floor (165 m): 25 steps up to restaurant (170 m), 25 steps down to the café (160 m). Not wheelchair-accessible. Wheelchair users only with companion (1 companion per wheelchair user free of charge). No wheelchair-accessible restroom.

      Seeing-eye dogs (with muzzle and leash) permitted. Strollers must not be transported in the elevators (can be left at the elevator/shop counter).


Prater 116
1020 Vienna
  • Opening times

    • middle of March to the end of October
    • daily, 11:00 - 23:00
  • Accessibility

    • Main entrance

      • via ramp
      • Ramp 290 cm wide
    • Side entrance

      • via ramp
      • Ramp 90 cm wide
    • Car parks Main entrance
      • 4 Parking spaces for people with disabilities
    • Elevator available
      • Door 120 cm wide
    • Further information
      • Seeing eye dogs allowed
      • Wheelchair accessible restroom available.
    • Comments

      18 steps to kitchen floor, 18 steps on buffet floor, 27 step to terrace on second floor, 19 steps in new building to second floor.
      Elevator to second floor. Garden with gravel and concrete paths.


Wohlmutstraße 23
1020 Vienna

Vienna State Opera (Wiener Staatsoper)

Opernring 2
1010 Vienna
  • Accessibility

    • Side entrance
      • 2 Steps (Swinging doors 87 cm wide)
    • Car parks Main entrance
      • Parking spaces for people with disabilities
        Operngasse, Opernring intersection
    • Elevator available
      • Door 80 cm wide
    • Further information
      • Seeing eye dogs allowed
      • 22 Wheelchair spaces available (4 in the stalls/orchestra, 18 seats in the gallery as needed)
      • Wheelchair accessible restroom available.
    • Special offers for people with disabilities

      Tours in ten languages, prior notification for wheelchair users necessary (Tel. +43 1 514 44–2606). Language display.

    • Comments

      Portable ramps available for steps inside building.
      To reserve wheelchair and companion seats for performances, tel. +43 1 514 44-2653 (Mo-Fri, 9.00 am – 4.00 pm)

Gerstner K. u. K. Hofzuckerbäcker Shop · Bar · Café-Restaurant

Kärntner Straße 51
1010 Vienna
  • Opening times

    • Shop daily, 08:00 - 22:00
    • Café-Bar 1. Stock / First Floor Mo - Sa, 11:30 - 22:00
    • Café-Bar 1. Stock / First Floor Su, 08:00 - 22:00
    • Café-Restaurant 2. Stock / 2nd Floor Mo - Sa, 08:00 - 20:00
    • Café-Restaurant 2. Stock / 2nd Floor Su, 15:00 - 20:00

Upper Belvedere (Oberes Belvedere)

Prinz-Eugen-Straße 27
1030 Vienna
  • Comments

  • Vienna City Card

    • Benefits of the Vienna City Card: -9%

      Additional information on the offer:

      - 1,50€ on the current entry ticket price (Upper Belvedere)

      - 2,50€ on the current entry ticket price (Upper and Lower Belvedere)

  • Opening times

    • daily, 09:00 - 18:00
    • Open from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. during July and August 2024.

  • Accessibility

    • Main entrance
      • no steps (Swinging doors 102 cm wide)
    • Car parks Main entrance
      • Parking spaces for people with disabilities
        Parking space for visitors with disabilities in front of the entrance at Prinz-Eugen-Strasse 27, Parking: 10 am – 6 pm
    • Elevator available
      • Door 150 cm wide
    • Further information
      • Seeing eye dogs allowed
      • Wheelchair accessible restroom available.
    • Special offers for people with disabilities

      Reduced admission for people with disabilities and assistants. "See differently" guided tours (tactile tours) in the Upper Belvedere for blind and visually impaired visitors. Video guides in Austrian Sign Language (OGS) and International Sign are available for deaf visitors.

    • Comments

      2 elevators reachable via a ramp (staff will provide assistance), wheelchairs available at the cloakroom.
      Shop/café: a few steps (staff will provide assistance).


Neustift am Walde 68
1190 Vienna

Wrenkh Wiener Kochsalon & Restaurant

Bauernmarkt 10
1010 Vienna

Grand Ferdinand - Hotel am Ring

Schubertring 10-12
1010 Wien
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