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The Sky is not the Limit

Karin Nilsdotter ist CEO von Spaceport Sweden. Ihre Vision ist es, ein weltweit führendes Raumfahrtzentrum zu errichten, das Reisen ins All breit zugänglich macht. Spaceport Sweden fungiert hierbei als eine branchenübergreifende Innovationsplattform, die kommerzielle Raumfahrt als eine neue Industrie in den Bereichen Forschung, Bildung und Tourismus etablieren soll. Ebenso ist Karin Nilsdotter Mitbegründerin und CEO der Space Travel Alliance, die auf Basis von Spaceport Sweden der erste Anbieter für kommerzielle Reisen ins All werden möchte. Durch ihre vielen innovativen Projekte ist Nilsdotter eine einflussreiche Stimme in der Branche und eine treibende Kraft in der Entwicklung der kommerziellen Raumfahrtindustrie.

We are at the dawn of a new era. Space is no longer a dream nor in the domain of governments only but is being democratized and fuelled by the private sector. Earth’s economic sphere is expanding and space is the next business frontier estimated to be worth USD 1 trillion by 2040.

Astropreneurs are capitalizing on new vast business opportunities and game changing technology is being developed where reusable spaceships will offer increased access to space – allowing you and me to reach for the stars.

But why on Earth should we go to Space? What are the drivers and the benefits? How do we turn science fiction into science fact and what about science tourism? And why is small the new big?

In her presentation, Karin will talk about the trends in the space industry and the pioneering work with Spaceport Sweden, aiming to become Europe’s gateway to space. She will discuss the opportunities, challenges and lessons learned working toward the goal of not only launching spaceships but also launching new products, services and careers.

As the sky is not longer the limit, humanity is embarking on her greatest challenge and adventure yet. What is your dream and moonshot idea?

"We are at the dawn of a new era. Space is no longer a dream nor in the domain of governments only but is being democratized and fuelled by the private sector. Earth’s economic sphere is expanding and space is the next business frontier estimated to be worth USD 1 trillion by 2040. Astropreneurs are capitalizing on new vast business opportunities and game changing technology is being developed where reusable spaceships will offer increased access to space – allowing you and me to reach for the stars. But why on Earth should we go to Space? What are the drivers and the benefits? How do we turn science fiction into science fact and what about science tourism? And why is small the new big?" In her presentation, Karin talked about the trends in the space industry and the pioneering work with Spaceport Sweden, aiming to become Europe’s gateway to space. She will discuss the opportunities, challenges and lessons learned working toward the goal of not only launching spaceships but also launching new products, services and careers. As the sky is not longer the limit, humanity is embarking on her greatest challenge and adventure yet. What is your dream and moonshot idea?