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Tourism in Vienna in Numbers: Arrivals, Acceptance and Accommodations

Market and marketing research are at the heart of the Vienna Tourist Board’s strategic operations. As a direct result of the pandemic and our increasingly globalized world, demand for – and the availability of – data, studies, webinars and other sources of information for the industry has mushroomed over the past few years. It is safe to assume that this will also be the case in 2024 and beyond.

In 2023, the Vienna Tourist Board once again evaluated visitor satisfaction levels, aiming to improve the visitor experience based on the T-MONA (Tourismus Monitor Austria) survey, which comprised around 3,000 online interviews. Ongoing monitoring of attitudes to tourism among the Viennese population was back to full strength in 2023, with around 3,600 of the city’s residents participating in an online survey during the year. The result: nine out of ten Viennese residents have a favorable view of tourism in the city – a figure that remained stable throughout the pandemic.

Chart all types of accommodation 2023
© Vienna Tourist Board
Chart Net revenue from overnight stays 2023
© Vienna Tourist Board
Chart Bednights 2023
© Vienna Tourist Board
Chart arrivals and bednights 2023
© Vienna Tourist Board
Chart Tourism Destination Vienna 2023
© Vienna Tourist Board
Chart Tourism is for Vienna
© Vienna Tourist Board

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