Itinerario - Vienna per famiglie
Giorno 1 mattina:
- Opzione A: Hop-on-hop-off-bus
C’è un modo molto confortevole per visitare Vienna che vi renderà senz’altro entusiasti: Hop-on-hop-off ! Si tratta di una linea di pullman che vi conducono a vedere tutte le attrazioni principali di Vienna. Con il biglietto si può salire e scendere dal pullman quando e dove si vuole.
- Opzione B: Passeggiata
Passeggiata per il centro storico die Vienna.
- Pranzo
Pranzo tipico nel centro storico: Huth Gastwirtschaft, Plachutta Gasthaus zur Oper o Lugeck Figlmüller Wien.
Giorno 1 pomeriggio:
Tuffatevi nel mondo fiabesco e variopinto del Prater. Vi attendono 250 stand e attrazioni. Fate anche un gradevole giro sulla storica Ruota panoramica (2,7 km/h!) e godetevi la vista della città da un'altezza di 64,75 metri.
- Cena
Cena nel Prater viennese: Schweizerhaus, Luftburg Kolarik im Prater oder Rollercoaster.
Giorno 2 mattina:
Solo i 16 figli dell’imperatrice Maria Teresa hanno fatto le loro escursioni attraverso la Reggia di Schönbrunn, che vanta 300 anni di storia. Oggi il museo per bambini "Vivere la Reggia di Schönbrunn" cattura i visitatori di tutte le età facendo loro rivivere la quotidianità del tempo.
- Pranzo
Pranzo nel Schönbrunner Schloss-Restaurant Joseph II.
Giorno 2 pomeriggo:
- Opzione A: Il labirinto di Schönbrunn
Il giardino con labirinto di Schönbrunn - Un tempo passeggiava qui la famiglia dell’imperatore. Oggi il labirinto di Schönbrunn è un divertente angolo di questo grande parco ed è aperto a tutti.
- Opzione B: Il Giardino Zoologico di Schönbrunn
Lo "zoo più antico del mondo" (oltre 250 anni) è diventato negli ultimi decenni anche uno dei più moderni oltre che, come dicono molti amici degli animali, lo zoo più bello del mondo.
- Cena nel MuseumsQuartier
Il MuseumsQuartier di Vienna (MQ) è una delle aree culturali più grandi del mondo. Situato al confine del centro storico, quello che un tempo fu il palazzo delle scuderie dell’imperatore riunisce oggi su una superficie di 60.000 metri quadrati strutture varie ispirate alle correnti d’arte più diverse, oltre a ristoranti, caffè e negozi dallo stile postmoderno: una combinazione di edifici barocchi e architettura moderna.
Cena nel Glacis Beisl, Halle Cafe-Restaurant o Kantine. Dopo: Sole, sabbia e l’atmosfera delle vacanze, buon cibo e bevande stuzzicanti vi aspettano allo Strandbar Hermann sul canale del Danubio.
Giorno 3 mattina:
- I migliori musei per i bambini
- Pranzo - Chioschi di würstel viennesi
I chioschi di würstel della città di Vienna - per lo più piccoli casottini eretti sui marciapiedi - offrono, oltre ai Frankfurter (come vengono chiamati a Vienna i würstel), alle Käsekrainer, alle salsicce arrostite e agli hot dog, ogni varietà di prelibatezza culinaria e un’impressionante scelta di bevande, dalla bibita gassata ai lamponi fino alle birre speciali. Consigliamo il chiosco di würstel Bitzinger ad Albertina.
Giorno 3 pomeriggio:
Un viaggio alla scoperta delle idilliache zone vinicole di Vienna con il Vienna Heurigen Express. Il viaggio si snoda attraverso pittoreschi villaggi vinicoli, costeggiando magnifici vigneti e antiche case di viticoltori. Alla fine del giro potrete conoscere un vero e proprio Heurige viennese.
- Trascorrere una serata a L’Heuriger viennese
Tenuta Heuriger Kierlinger Avviso: Il motto di questo posto è “Vivere l’autenticità”. Qui la tradizione si combina alla tipica “Gemütlichkeit” austriaca, un senso di calore e familiarità: nell’idilliaco cortile interno con i suoi secolari tigli e castagni ma anche nelle sale di questo tipico locale.
Tenuta Mayer am Pfarrplatz: Qui nel “Beethovenhaus”, la casa di Beethoven, visse per un periodo il grande compositore. Vi si gustano pietanze tradizionali e specialità stagionali.
Suggerimento speciale: Parco giochi acquatico Donauinsel
Kinderinfo: WIENXTRA-Kinderinfo è un centro dove ricevere informazioni e consulenze gratuite sull'offerta ricreativa a Vienna per bambini a partire dai 13 anni.
Alberghi per famiglie:
Numerosi hotel di Vienna hanno offerte speciali per bambini, camere riservate alle famiglie e attrezzate per le esigenze dei più piccoli con lettino, fasciatoio e altro ancora: The Harmonie Vienna BW Premier Collection, Der Wilhelmshof, Hotel Henriette, JUFA Hotel Wien City or Novotel Wien Hauptbahnhof.
Pranzo rilassato con i bambini:
Le escursioni alla scoperta della città sono un ottimo modo per stuzzicare l'appetito! Pasti per bambini, seggioloni, fasciatoi o un bel giardino: qui troverete una selezione di ristoranti a misura.
Vienna Sightseeing Tours Hop On Hop Off bus tour
1010 Vienna
Main boarding point: Station in front of the Vienna State Opera
Big Bus Tours
1010 Vienna
1020 Vienna
Opening times
15 March
31 October
Main season - daily, 12:00 - 20:00
Weather permitting
15 March
31 October
Car parks Main entrance
Parking spaces for people with disabilities
at Riesenrad (Giant Ferris Wheel) and Schweizerhaus (Waldsteingartenstraße)
Parking spaces for people with disabilities
Further information
- Wheelchair accessible restroom available.
Wheelchair-accessible restrooms: Messegelände / Parkplatz, 1.-Mai-Strasse (in the middle), Calafattiplatz.
Car parks Main entrance
Giant Ferris Wheel (Riesenrad)
1020 Vienna
Vienna City Card
Benefits of the Vienna City Card: -7%
Additional information on the offer:
Standard ticket price: 14,50€
Tickets availabe on site and online (Booking code WRR_VCC25).Please book here to get your Vienna City Card discount:
Opening times
- 03/14/2025 10:00 - 21:45
- 03/15/2025 10:00 - 21:45
- 03/16/2025 10:00 - 21:45
- 03/17/2025 10:00 - 21:45
- 03/18/2025 10:00 - 21:45
- 03/19/2025 10:00 - 21:45
Main entrance
- no steps (Automatic sliding doors 200 cm wide)
Car parks Main entrance
Parking spaces for people with disabilities
at parking garage Ausstellungsstraße
Parking spaces for people with disabilities
Further information
- Seeing eye dogs allowed
- Wheelchair accessible restroom available.
Access to all exhibition rooms and to the restaurant / café: no steps.
Ramp for wheelchair, all special wagons of the Ferris Wheel are suitable for extra wide wheelchairs.
Main entrance
1020 Vienna
Opening times
- middle of March to the end of October
- daily, 11:00 - 23:00
Main entrance
via ramp - Ramp 290 cm wide
Side entrance
via ramp - Ramp 90 cm wide
Car parks Main entrance
- 4 Parking spaces for people with disabilities
Elevator available
- Door 120 cm wide
Further information
- Seeing eye dogs allowed
- Wheelchair accessible restroom available.
18 steps to kitchen floor, 18 steps on buffet floor, 27 step to terrace on second floor, 19 steps in new building to second floor.
Elevator to second floor. Garden with gravel and concrete paths.
Main entrance
Luftburg – Kolarik in the Prater
1020 Vienna
Opening times
- Mo - Th, 16:00 - 23:00
- Fr - Su, 11:00 - 23:00
- on holidays, 11:00 - 23:00
Main entrance
- no steps (Double swinging doors 230 cm wide)
Car parks Main entrance
- 2 Parking spaces for people with disabilities
Further information
- Seeing eye dogs allowed
- Wheelchair accessible restroom available.
Seeing eye dogs with muzzle and leash allowed
Main entrance
1020 Vienna
Opening times
- Mo - Th, 16:00 - 22:30
- Fr - Su, 11:30 - 22:30
Schönbrunn Palace (Schloss Schönbrunn)
1130 Vienna
Vienna City Card
Benefits of the Vienna City Card: -6%
Additional information on the offer:
Classic Pass: 36€ instead of 38€ (incl. audio guide, valid from 2.4.-3.11.) /
Classic Pass Plus: 68€ instead of 73€ (incl. audio guide, valid from 2.4.-3.11.)/
Sisi Ticket (Grand Tour / Schönbrunn Palace; Sisi Museum; Vienna Furniture Museum): 45,00€ instead of 49,00€ (incl. audio guide) /
Tickets on and on sitePlease book here to get your Vienna City Card discount:
Opening times
03 November 2023
01 April 2024
- (Last entry: 16:15 h) daily, 08:30 - 17:00
02 April
03 November 2024
- (Last entry: 16:45 h) daily, 08:30 - 17:30
04 November 2024
31 March 2025
- (Last entry: 16:15 h) daily, 08:30 - 17:00
03 November 2023
01 April 2024
Main entrance
- no steps
Car parks Main entrance
Parking spaces for people with disabilities
at main entrance portal (Schönbrunner Schlossstrasse, 3 parking spaces), Meidlinger Tor (2 parking spaces), close to Kavalierstrakt as well as Valerietrakt (2 parking spaces) and Fürstenstöckl (1 parking space)
Parking spaces for people with disabilities
Elevator available
- Door 90 cm wide
Further information
- Seeing eye dogs allowed
- Wheelchair accessible restroom available.
Special offers for people with disabilities
Free wheelchair rental – contact attendant at main portal (3 wheelchairs) or at Hietzinger Tor and at Meidlinger Tor (1 wheelchair each). Supplemental devices available for the visually impaired. Tours for visitors with with disabilities or special needs on request. Museum Sign Language Guide available in ÖGS and IS for the Imperial or Grand Tour, prior reservation recommended, further information:
Access to all exhibition rooms: no steps. Freight elevator for extra wide wheelchairs: door width: 160 cm, cabin depth: 220 cm, cabin width: 156 cm.
Ticket Center in the Gardetrakt by the main gate, stepless access, door width: approx. 144 cm, wheelchair-accessible restroom can be reached by wheelchair platform lift – platform 110/140 cm, door width: 90 cm in the corridor area and 94 cm to the outdoors, accessible from outside with a Euro-Key.
Main entrance
Schönbrunner Schloss-Restaurant Joseph II
1130 Vienna
Vienna City Card
Benefits of the Vienna City Card: -20%
Additional information on the offer:
20% discount on consumption per cardholder (food and drinks), redeemable once only.
The Vienna City Card must be presented when ordering.
Opening times
- Mo - Su, 10:00 - 22:00
Schönbrunn: Maze
1130 Vienna
Vienna City Card
Benefits of the Vienna City Card: -20%
Additional information on the offer:
Standard ticket price: 5,50€ / reduced ticket price: 4,50€
Tickets available on site
- Admission only with combined ticket for the Schönbrunn Exclusive Gardens: discount with Vienna City Card
Opening times
02 April
30 June
- daily, 09:30 - 17:30
01 July
31 August
- daily, 09:30 - 18:30
01 September
26 October
- daily, 09:30 - 17:00
27 October
03 November
- daily, 09:30 - 16:00
02 April
30 June
Main entrance
no steps
(Door 100 cm wide)
via park
no steps
(Door 100 cm wide)
Further information
- Seeing eye dogs allowed
- Wheelchair accessible restroom available.
Viewing platform only accessible by steps
Main entrance
Schönbrunn Zoo Entrance via Hietzinger Tor/Hietzinger Hauptstraße
1130 Vienna
Vienna City Card
Benefits of the Vienna City Card: -15%
Additional information on the offer:
Standard ticket price: 27€ /
Savings: 4€
Opening times
- daily, 09:00 - 16:30
- daily, 09:00 - 17:00
- daily, 09:00 - 17:30
- daily, 09:00 - 18:30
- daily, 09:00 - 16:30
- ACHTUNG: Bis zur Umstellung auf die Winterzeit gelten im Oktober die September-Öffnungszeiten
Main entrance
- no steps (Swinging doors )
Car parks Main entrance
Parking spaces for people with disabilities
at Elisabethallee, entrance Tirolerhof
Parking spaces for people with disabilities
Further information
- Seeing eye dogs allowed
- Wheelchair accessible restroom available.
Special offers for people with disabilities
Tours for visitors with disabilities and special needs on request.
Access to buildings and enclosures without steps or via ramp.
Main entrance
MuseumsQuartier Vienna
1070 Vienna
Vienna City Card
Benefits of the Vienna City Card: -15%
Additional information on the offer:
FAB 5 combined ticket includes a visit to the Architekturzentrum Wien, Kunsthalle Wien, Leopold Museum, mumok and MQ Freiraum.
Vienna City Card special price: 33€ / Standard ticket price: 39€
Booking link: book here to get your Vienna City Card discount:
Main entrance
- no steps
Car parks Main entrance
Parking spaces for people with disabilities
6 parking spaces within the MuseumsQuartier complex
Parking spaces for people with disabilities
Elevator available
Further information
- Seeing eye dogs allowed
- Wheelchair accessible restroom available.
Special offers for people with disabilities
Wheelchair service in the MQ-Point by the main entrance: daily 10 am – 7 pm free rental (form of ID left as a deposit). Inductive audio systems in the auditoriums (Hall E + G). Seeing-eye dogs by prior arrangement with the respective cultural institutions.
Access to all MuseumsQuartier institutions: no steps. All public elevators are suitable for wheelchairs.
Main entrance
WIENXTRA Children's Information
1070 Vienna
Opening times
- Tu - Fr, 14:00 - 18:00
- Sa - Su, 10:00 - 17:00
- on holidays, 10:00 - 17:00
Main entrance
- no steps (Swinging doors )
Further information
- Seeing eye dogs allowed
- Wheelchair accessible restroom available.
Double swinging door with time-delayed closing mechanism, opens to the outside
2 steps inside the facility to the cuddle area for small children
Main entrance
Glacis Beisl
1070 Vienna
Opening times
- daily, 12:00 - 00:00
Main entrance
no steps
(Swinging doors 110 cm wide)
via elevator
no steps
(Swinging doors 110 cm wide)
Elevator available
- Door 120 cm wide
Further information
- Seeing eye dogs allowed
- Wheelchair accessible restroom available.
Main entrance
Lil' Italy Halle
1070 Vienna
Opening times
- Mo - Fr, 11:00 - 23:00
- Sa - Su, 10:00 - 00:00
Strandbar Herrmann
1030 Vienna
Opening times
- April to the beginning of October
- Mo - Fr, 12:00 - 02:00
- Sa - Su, 10:00 - 02:00
- on holidays, 10:00 - 02:00
Naturhistorisches Museum Vienna (Natural History Museum)
1010 Vienna
Vienna City Card
Benefits of the Vienna City Card: -22%
Additional information on the offer:
Standard ticket price: 18€ / Reduced ticket price: 14€
- Free admission for young people under 19 years of age
Opening times
- Th - Mo, 09:00 - 18:00
- We, 09:00 - 20:00
Guided tours
Guided rooftop tours (English):
Friday, Saturday, Sunday 3pm
Main entrance
(Swinging doors )
(Swinging doors )
Side entrance
Entrance for wheelchairs Burgring 7
Elevator available
- 78 cm wide and 132 cm low , Door 78 cm wide
Further information
- Wheelchair accessible restroom available.
Special offers for people with disabilities
Assistance and guide dogs allowed; Guided tours for the blind possible, path for blind and visually impaired people (only in German): 15 free-standing, tangible exhibits from the fields of mineralogy, geology and anthropology. A map and descriptions of the objects are also available in Braille at the information stand.
All facilities suitable for wheelchair users (except the roof guide!
Access to restaurant/café: no steps. Seeing-eye dogs permitted in exhibition area.
Main entrance
House of Music (Haus der Musik) The Sound Museum
1010 Vienna
Vienna City Card
Benefits of the Vienna City Card: -24%
Additional information on the offer:
Standard ticket price: 17€ / reduced ticket price: 13€
Available on site and at
Opening times
- daily, 10:00 - 22:00
24.12. 10a.m. - 6 p.m., 23.03. 10a.m. - 6p.m. (5p.m. last admission)
Main entrance
- no steps (Automatic sliding doors )
Side entrance
- no steps
Elevator available
Further information
- Seeing eye dogs allowed
- Wheelchair accessible restroom available.
Special offers for people with disabilities
Tours in sign language on request, as well as tours for blind and visually impaired people.
Access to all exhibition rooms and café: no steps (via elevator).
Main entrance
Vienna Museum of Technology (Technisches Museum Wien)
1140 Vienna
Vienna City Card
Benefits of the Vienna City Card: -20%
Additional information on the offer:
Standard ticket price: 16€ / Available on site and at
Opening times
- Mo, 09:00 - 18:00
- Tu, 09:00 - 18:00
- We, 09:00 - 18:00
- Th, 09:00 - 18:00
- Fr, 09:00 - 18:00
- Sa, 10:00 - 18:00
- Su, 10:00 - 18:00
- on holidays, 10:00 - 18:00
Main entrance
- no steps (Double swinging doors 160 cm wide)
Car parks Main entrance
- Parking spaces for people with disabilities
Elevator available
- Door 88 cm wide
Further information
- Seeing eye dogs allowed
- Wheelchair accessible restroom available.
Special offers for people with disabilities
Free admission to the museum for visitors with special needs. Rental wheelchairs available, special tours for people with disabilities and special needs, tours for visitors with special needs on request, translator for the hearing-impaired available on request (Reservations: Tel. +43 1 899 98–3001).
All rooms accessible with special wheelchair elevators (ask museum staff for assistance).
Main entrance
Museum of Illusions
1010 Vienna
Vienna City Card
Benefits of the Vienna City Card: -20%
Additional information on the offer:
Standard ticket price: 15€
Reduced ticket price: 12€
Opening times
- Mo - Fr, 10:00 - 18:00
- Sa - Su, 10:00 - 19:00
Main entrance
- no steps (Swinging doors 90 cm wide)
Further information
- Seeing eye dogs allowed
- Wheelchair accessible restroom available.
Special offers for people with disabilities
reduced admission price of € 12 and the accompanying person registered in the disabled pass has free admission
some illusion rooms are not suitable for wheelchairs (especially electric wheelchairs) due to steep ramps
Main entrance
Bitzinger's sausage stand at Albertina
1010 Vienna
Opening times
- daily, 08:00 - 04:00
Departure station of the Vienna Heurigen Express U4 station/train station Heiligenstadt
1190 Vienna
Kierlinger Vineyards & Wine Tavern
1190 Vienna
Awarded as Vienna’s top heuriger with proven quality
Opening times
- Zu den Aussteckzeiten Mo - Sa, 15:30 - 00:00
- Su, 15:30 - 23:00
See website for open days.
Mayer on Pfarrplatz
1190 Vienna
Member of the Vienna Wine Group
Awarded as Vienna’s top heuriger with proven quality
Opening times
- daily, 12:00 - 00:00
- Mo - Th, 16:00 - 00:00
- Fr - Su, 12:00 - 00:00
Danube Island water playground
1220 Vienna
300 meters downstream from the Reichsbrücke, reachable via the U1 (Station "Donauinsel").
- free admission
Opening times
- May to September
open around the clock
The Harmonie Vienna, BW Premier Collection
1090 Wien
Der Wilhelmshof
1020 Wien
Vienna City Card
Benefits of the Vienna City Card: -20%
Additional information on the offer:
Genieße 20% Rabatt auf deinen Aufenthalt!
Gültig für Direktbuchungen (telefonisch oder per E-Mail) auf die Tagesrate, auf Anfrage und nach Verfügbarkeit. Nicht mit anderen Rabatten kombinierbar.
Du musst bereits zum Zeitpunkt der Buchung in Besitz einer Vienna City Card sein und dem Hotel die Buchungsbestätigung dieser zusenden, um vom Rabatt Gebrauch zu machen. Angebot gilt nur bis 31.3.25 //
Telefon: 01 2145521 /
E-Mail: info@derwilhelmshof.comPlease book here to get your Vienna City Card discount:
Henriette Stadthotel Vienna
1020 Wien
JUFA Hotel Wien City
1110 Wien
Novotel Wien Hauptbahnhof
1100 Wien